10 Top Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet We only place our pet dogs in homes of persons who we believe to be ethical and caring. If you
care for your pet, you will spay or neuter, if it isn't already spayed or neutered when you get it. Why? 1)Your female dog will live a longer, healthier life. The threat of Pyrometra is totally removed.
The risk of uterine cancer no longer threatens your female. 2)
It prevents testicular cancer in males. 3) Your spayed female
won't go into heat. No messy residue on her or your furniture and rugs. 4)
Your male dog won't want to roam away from home, lured by someone's female in heat. Other people's males won't harass your
female or attempt to challenge your male for breeding rights when your female comes in heat. 5) A neutered dog protects his home and family just as well as an unneutered dog. 6) Spaying or neutering will not make your pet fat. 7) Spaying or neutering is not expensive. 8)
It's good for the community. Too many unwanted animals are born each year. 9) Spaying and neutering teaches your children to be responsible. 10) Millions of unwanted cats and dogs are killed in shelters or on the road, or suffer as strays. Much
of this comes from unwanted, unplanned litters --which is prevented by spaying or neutering. |