CH Rambling Starz Johnny B Good (Trouble) DOB
CH Mina's City Slicker
CH Mar-Rich N Mina's Rumor Has It
Mar-Rich's Dots of Mina
CH Wesbar Mina's Rich & Famous
CH Kimbrough's Rags
to Rich's
CH Wesbar's Lady in Red
CH Mystical Angel
of Toy Valley
CH Winhaven
The Untouchables
CH Winhaven Davlyn Thunderbuster
Davlyn Major Thunder Swan
Davlyn Rambling Star Brite Eyes
CH Windsongs Night
Winhaven Davlyn Free as a Bird
CH Reginier's
Davlyn Smile for Me
20 champs in 4 gen pedigree/34 champs in 5 gen pedigree